Diné College Launches Strategic Road Map for the Future
January 26, 2022
TSAILE, Ariz. — Diné College is launching a strategic design process that will chart a new plan to meet the needs of the Navajo Nation. Over the next six months, The Nation’s College will be meeting with key stakeholders, community members, students (current and former) to hear from them as to how to make the college better and more responsive to the needs of our people.
“Our world is changing, our people are changing, our economy is changing and Diné College must meet this challenge by designing a college that focuses on the future without ignoring our past,” said Dr. Charles M. Roessel, president of Diné College. “To reimagine the Nation’s College, we want to hear from those we serve – whether they be on the reservation or in Washington, DC, all voices are important and all ideas matter.”
In December of 2021, the Board of Regents and executive team of the college met to identify the strategic themes. After much research and discussion, a new set of strategic themes were selected to help guide the college for the next decade. The following themes were selected: Academic Quality and Growth, Accessibility, College Health and Wellness, Holistic Integration, Culture and Environment, and Facilities.
Provost Dr. Geraldine Garrity is excited to be looking forward. “We learned a lot during the pandemic but we also have been in a reactive mode. The creation of a new roadmap will allow us to integrate what we have learned during this very difficult time in developing new academic programs but first hear from our stakeholders and communities.”
One of the differences with this process is the goal of listening first then acting. “In previous years, it was referred to as Strategic Planning, the plans were created but never really shared with the public. With this Strategic Design, we are communicating to the stakeholders, the Diné College community, and other partnering entities from the beginning,” said Dr. Garrity.
In this effort for more inclusivity and transparency, the college will host numerous townhalls, listening sessions, and stakeholder meetings, which will be conducted in person and/or virtually. One-half of the Navajo population lives on the reservation. Therefore, one goal of this strategic design process is to hear from those Navajos who are living in urban centers and how the Nation’s College can better serve them. There will be listening sessions held in Phoenix, Albuquerque, Washington DC, as well as other urban areas.
“We realized during this pandemic that our college can play a major role in helping to heal, creating new warriors to fight future challenges and provide the knowledge of our culture to those seeking help and comfort,” said Dr. Roessel.
To learn how your voice can be heard and share your ideas, tune into the first virtual/hybrid event on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Access to the event will be via Zoom Webinar and/or Facebook live, on the Diné College Facebook page.
Click HERE for Dine College Strategic Design Zoom Webinar information.
Diné College is a four-year tribal college located on the Navajo reservation with six campuses and two microsites across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah and primarily serves Navajo students. The school offers 20 bachelor degrees, 16 associate degrees, and 6 certificate programs. The school is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The College, established in 1968, is the first tribal college and was formerly named Navajo Community College.