Marketing & Communications

Diné College

For Internal Staff, Faculty & Students (SSO Login Required)

About Diné College Marketing & Communications


Welcome to the new Marketing and Communications Department webpage! We want college staff to be acquainted with the purposes and duties of the marketing department staff.

And, we want to keep track of the various inquiries coming into the department for the sake of maintaining monthly reports. A form is on this page for questions and a ticket will be issued once questions are logged.

Requests will be processed based on department and college priorities and resources.

Through strategic messaging, our team creates materials that communicate the College’s values and identity. From concept to distribution, we can help you with the collateral materials needed to communicate aspects about your organization, service and/or product.

The Diné College Marketing and Communication Department is responsible for creating and maintaining the College’s brand. We provide guidelines for consistent, favorable and professional use of the brand and promote a positive image of the College and its programs. We can assist you with your marketing plans, focus groups, research, pricing, promotion and distribution.

Internal Communications

The Diné College Marketing and Communications unit makes every effort to share information about events that are taking place across the six campuses of the College(Tsaile, Tuba City, Window Rock, Chinle, Crownpoint and Shiprock). Information is disseminated in several ways:

Creative Services

Overall Concept Development Copywriting
Graphic Design Web Development
Content Writing Copywriting
Photography TV & Video

Diné College Marketing Services

1. Public Relations

The communications, or PR team, the primary office for news regarding Diné College, provides information about everything from research and academic programs to breaking news, context on current events and student initiatives. We have access to faculty who are making news in their fields of study all over the world. We also manage emergency communications.

If your findings, accomplishments or events have implications relevant to the general public, please contact us. If you aren’t sure, we’re happy to discuss how to reach the right audience for your message. Perhaps trade publications would be more interested than the general media. Perhaps you really want to reach an internal, campus audience, and we can help you with that, too.

We can draft and distribute your press release, but we offer many other communication options:

If you want to publicize a happening or an event through the local newspapers, then contact Bernie Dotson, the Public Relations Officer for the entire College. His job duties include releasing information and communicating with media outlets everywhere.

As per Dine College policies, all inquiries from outside news reporters must be referred to the Director of Marketing or the Public Relations Officer.

  • Pitch a story to a reporter on your behalf
  • Issue press releases
  • Press conferences
  • Media events
  • Write op-ed/editorials
  • Social media
  • Organize and schedule interviews with a reporter
  • e-newsletter to target audience
  • Newsletters

2. Diné College Website

Diné College’s website ( is publicly for gathered college resources and information. The Diné College’s website offers supplemental information provided on the campus for Students, Faculty and Staff for online curriculum and employment information. The information and data presented on the website is released and presented as-is.

Content edit requests can be made through our online Marketing form:

Or contact us at:

3. Email DC-All

The DC-All function is used to send out mass emails to college employees. The Public Relations Officer is one of several people at the College who have access to the DC-All. A flyer is often attached to the DC-All email and the flyer will have the detailed information about the event. We recommend that you download and post the flyer.

The Marketing and Communications staff will verify a request for DC-All email dissemination before issuing the DC-All email.

The StudentAll (listserv) is limited to text only.

Email Ad size
590×345 pixels
96 dpi

4. Facebook –

Diné College has a Facebook page and uses Facebook to share information about college events, news releases and general information about ongoing activities. We understand not everyone uses Facebook, but the College does use Facebook, even in cases of emergency alerts.

Like us on Diné College Facebook page if you want to receive campus event information.

Social media ad size
1080×1080 pixels
96 dpi
jpeg format files only

5. Outside Digital signage

Outside Board Ads
144×72 pixels
72 dpi
4 lines of text with less then 10 characters per line

6. KXWR Radio

The Radio Station at the Tsaile campus announces upcoming events. The Radio programming includes news events, public announcements, and a variety of music. Some College events can be broadcast live.

To listen to Diné College radio, tune to 92.1 FM KXWR. Live streaming is also available via the Internet. To listen to the live streaming via Internet, click on the KXWR link at the bottom of our website. By clicking on the KXWR link, you will be redirected to live streaming.

Contact L.A. Williams if you want to make a public announcement.

LA WilliamsRadio Talent / Programming
(928) 724-6987

7. Cafeteria TV Display Boards

If you want an announcement for an upcoming event or about a program, then contact the Marketing Department. The posted ads are removed once the event is completed.

TV ads cafeteria, from NMS
Requirements for digital signage.
1. JPEG file 1920×1080 pixels horizontal orientation. Also, keep your message simple and short (15 words or less).
Consider the content – more picture and fewer words
Keep font size large and message concise, Font size could be 180 pt for titles and 100 pt for copy.
Don’t forget to provide contact info if necessary
2. Please include the dates slide should run when submitting
3. Slides should run for a minimum of one school week to be effective and be sure to allow low 2 business days to get the slide up and running
4. Slides will appear on the three screens in the dining area only
5. If the font is any smaller it becomes hard to read from a distance.

8. Live-streaming

Live-streaming of an event is handled by the Marketing and Communications Department. Let us know 10 days in advance so we can market and schedule the event. An event may require planning for lighting, camera staging, electrical connectivity and Internet access.

9. Diné College TODAY (e-newsletter)

This electronic newsletter goes out to a targeted email list of educators, tribal leaders, school and Diné College employees. The e-newsletter goes out twice a month.

The information in it is very compact. An e-newsletter is an electronic email that goes out from our departmental email. Currently, we have more than 2,000 recipients on our list. If you wish to get some information to this group, we can assist you. Also, if you want someone to be on this email list contact our office with their email.

10. Graphic Design/Print Services

In-house printing (limited):

  • Depending on quantity and size we are capable of producing large prints
  • Cut to size
  • Binding (limited)


  • Department/Program brochures
  • Degree brochures
  • Posters
  • Calendars
  • Annual report
  • We encourage all departments to create flyers for their special events. However, we have some guidelines of usage of graphics. If you want these announcements viewable in other forms (Facebook, Cafeteria TV display, Outside display), then you will have to reformat your design to the correct specifications (size and dimensions).


  • New staff, faculty
  • Special events

For more information regarding Marketing Services please contact:
Jazzmine Martinez
(928) 724-6694


Marketing & Communications
(928) 724-6694

Dine College Facebook Dine College YouTube Dine College Twitter Dine College Instagram