Virtual College Readiness
"Learning Needs Support"
Yá’át’ééh – Welcome!
I want to warmly welcome you to the College Readiness website.
I am the High School Outreach Coordinator-Special Projects. My name is Fredi Tapaha, originally from Round Rock, Az. I am Naakai Dine’e born for Honágháahnii.
As a young Dine woman at age 16 starting college, I struggled with the knowledge and skills a high school student should have upon entering college. The transition of having full guidance in high school to independently learning how to ask for help, finding resources to study and managing time are just a few knowledge based skills I had to acquire to be successful. Every student to a certain extent, experiences this transition in the first year of college. Keeping this in mind, Dine college now has a College Readiness program to deliver helpful tools that will provide each student success.

The Virtual College Readiness Program is designed for students who are transitioning from high school to college. By working with area high schools, Dine College is able to offer the College Readiness with a chance to make the most of a college experience virtually. The College Readiness learning experience will help students gain skills and confidence that will put students on a path to personal and academic achievement.
The Goal
The Goal is to engage students to learning by supporting their online courses with skills and resources that will aid their successes amid COVID-19.
Virtual Supporting Services
Fredi Tapaha
Naakai Dine’e | Honaghaahnii
HS Outreach Coordinator- Special Projects