‘POWER OF EDUCATION’ Signature Diné College Blanket – FAQ

Questions and Answers

Why should I purchase a Power of Education blanket ?

100% of all sales go to the Diné College Bi’olta’a Student Scholarship Fund.

Where can I purchase a blanket?

There are several options:

  • Buy at a Diné College bookstore at the Tsaile or Shiprock campus
  • Purchase directly from Nonabah Sam at the Ned Hatathli Museum (NHC 4th Floor – Main Campus)
  • Order via e-mail, by sending a request to: nsam@dinecollege.edu (Additional shipping charges will apply)

What is the blanket made of?


What is the recommended care?

  • Recommended care is Dry Clean Only. However, you can rinse your blanket on a gentle, cold setting. Hang dry away from direct sunlight.
  • Clean liquid stains immediately with warm water and mild detergent.
  • Never use harsh chemicals or scrub wool.
  • Store blanket away from direct sunlight.

As an employee of Diné College, can I donate through payroll deduction?

Yes. Diné College employees can set up a one-time gift or reoccurring payroll deductions that will be applied to the Warrior Day of Giving. Please contact the Diné College Development Office for further instructions.

Who is the main point of contact?

Nonabah Sam, Ned Hatathli Museum Curator nsam@dinecollege.edu

Ned Hatathli Museum – NHC 4th Floor – Tsaile, AZ

(928) 724-6981

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