T’áá hó ‘ájí t’éego | Innovation Hub | About

Diné College Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
1 Circle Dr.
Route 12
Tsaile, AZ 86556
Location Map
(928) 724-6600


Welcome to Diné College Academic Affairs virtual Teaching and Learning Innovation hub. We also refer to this innovation hub as “T’áá hó ’ájí t’éego” learning hub. Our goal is to provide faculty members with a wealth of information and resources to support excellence in teaching and learning.

We hope that this innovation hub will provide additional support and resources for enhancing teaching and learning. As this site is constructed, we ask for your patience.


Provost, Garrity


Announcements from the Office of the Provost can be found here and updated periodically. See information below about an update sent out on December 22, 2021.

  1. The Institutional Update will take place on January 3rd. The meeting will take place in the Student Union Building (SUB) activity room;
  2. Take some time to fill out the Faculty Development Survey launched by the Professional Development Coordinator, Ms. Terra Lamotte-Harvey. Diné College wants to support faculty in their research and publication goals. The survey is to learn more about faculty priorities, needs, and how to support faculty moving forward. Link to survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/YXL3VMC
  3. The School of Diné Studies and Education faculty members are working on relaunching the Diné Education Philosophy (DEP) courses beginning Spring 2022. The faculty members including the Dean, Professional Development Coordinator are collaborating with Human Resources on this continuing education credentialing for all faculty. Please look out for flyers on this important initiative to become credentialed in teaching in Diné College Classrooms.
  4. Coming Spring semester, the T’áá hó ájit’éego Innovation Hub will have updated resources uploaded by the Academic Technologist and Professional Development Coordinator. More information will be provided as opportunities arise.
  5. More paid professional development is coming in January. Blackboard Training for 15 faculty members will become available. The title is Designing Exemplary Course will be available online and will be self-paced training certification. Siihasin Committee and Curriculum Committee, this may be of interest to you. Please let me know if you are interested in becoming Blackboard Certified.

Strategic Plan

Mission Statement
Rooted in Diné language and culture, our mission is to advance quality post-secondary student learning and development to ensure the well-being of the Diné People.

Vision Statement
Our vision is to improve continuously our programs and services to make Diné College the exemplary higher education institution for the Diné People.

Diné College Strategic Goals (2017-2021)

  1. Diné Identity – Advance the institution’s Diné identity.
    • Increase use and application of language, history and culture campus-wide.
    • Incorporate and strengthen Diné teachings in current and future programs.
    • Build cultural relevance into academic and student support programs.
  2. Student Success – Promote student success and development.
    • Increase cross-institutional dialogues to promote student success.
    • Expand student opportunities for career readiness.
    • Expand student opportunities for leadership development.
  3. Financial Health – Strengthen financial health and self-reliance.
    • Increase funding sources to support institutional growth.
    • Optimize the College’s financial systems.
    • Streamline institutional compliance.
  4. Institutional Transformation – Promote effective communication and accountability.
    • Demonstrate institutional transparency in planning and initiatives.
    • Develop communication policies and guidelines for the institution.
    • Target professional development opportunities to increase performance.
  5. Technology – Expand effectiveness and efficiency using technology.
    • Enhance the internal technology infrastructure of the College community.
    • Advance IT policies to meet the evolving needs of the institution.
    • Improve information technology to enhance student learning experiences.
  6. Nation Building – Cultivate Diné Nation building.
    • Building congruent educational programs to meet the needs and aspirations of the Navajo Nation.
    • Assist Navajo Nation in becoming better positioned economically.
    • Align programs with sustainable employment opportunities for graduates.

Provost Council

Provost, Dr. Alysa Landry, Ph.D
(928) 724-6933

Mr James Tutt

Dean, James Tutt
(928) 724-6938

Micheal Lerma

Dean, Micheal Lerma
(928) 724-6975

Director of Libraries, Dr. Herman A. Peterson
(928) 724-6764

Director of Dual Credit Enrollment Management, Winifred Jumbo
(928) 724-6922

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