B.F.A. Fine Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree is a four-year art degree encompassing a variety of media. Students may choose from one of six areas of emphasis:

  1. Creative Writing
  2. Digital Photography
  3. Graphic Arts
  1. Navajo Silversmithing
  2. Navajo Weaving
  3. Traditional Painting

2021-2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts Handbook

About the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program

The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program promotes Diné culture, creativity, and excellence in the creation of art. The program supports and promotes personal development in the visual, traditional, and literary arts. The DEP (Diné Educational Philosophy) Paradigm of Nitsáhákees (Thinking)  Nahat’á (Planning) , Iiná (Living and Achieving), and Siihasin (Evaluation and Competency) is imbedded in the approach to teaching and learning.

The BFA program prepares majors with the necessary knowledge skills, confidence, and values to succeed as independent artists or graduate students within an MFA or educational program. It offers Diné student the opportunity to complete a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree while residing on the Diné nation.

The program is offered on a full-time basis at the Tsaile Campus. Individuals may apply at any time of the year but are formally considered in spring. The application deadline is June 1. This allows for an admission decision prior to the Navajo Nation Scholarship deadline.

Transfer students from other colleges or university can enroll upon their credits being accepted by Diné College. The BFA degree program is an open door enrollment degree program. The BFA degree program utilizes an art space totaling 3441 square footage; a 2-D classroom for Painting and Drawing totaling 1054 sq. ft., a 3-D classroom for ceramics and sculpture totaling 1333 sq. ft., and 3. A general classroom for 2-D & 3-D design classes totaling 1054 sq. ft. There is a film photography laboratory located in the general classroom. There is one digital Mac lab classroom for Digital Photography classes with state of-art Adobe Creative Cloud design software. The BFA degree program promotes and excellent art curriculum for any student who chooses to pursue the field of art out of a passion to create to enhance their creativity. The BFA degree program has the potential to lead to advance terminal Master of Fine Arts degree at other college and universities, and teaching job opportunities, individual entrepreneurial ventures, cultural preservation and Indian Casino industry.

The Diné College Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program provides students with:

  1. An exemplary, excellent educational program in the areas of art and design to prepare them for pursuit in academia.
  2. Encouragement in their developing creativity and intellectual curiosity in the fine arts.
  3. Prepare students with strong foundational knowledge in the arts so they can contribute to the well-being of the Diné People and their own futures.
  4. A platform for creating studio artwork utilizing Diné cultural paradigms or Diné language.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts is dedicated to embedding core values of the Diné culture into its program. The BFA focuses its efforts in embedding the DEP in its program and assessment processes; specifically Sa’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoon (SNBH). SNBH is a cultural paradigm that allows individuals to effectively think and analyze critically. In addition, the paradigm emphasizes self-study and reflection on completed work.

The following is a process of the Diné Educational Paradigm as it applies to the Fine Arts:

  • Nitsahakees: Thinking: The BFA degree program encourages students to utilize critical and creative thinking in creating and studying art.
  • Nahata: Planning: The BFA degree program encourages students to utilize planning skills in problem solving as it applies to the visual arts
  • Iina: Doing: The BFA degree program encourages students to develop self-discipline and independence in the learning process, also commonly referred to as T’ aa Hwo Aji T’ eego.
  • Siihasin: Reflecting: The BFA degree program encourages students to demonstrate reflecting (critiquing) art work and the history of art.

Professional Preparation Coursework

General Education Core 40-42
Lower Division Requirements 27
FA 106 Color Theory
FA 107 3D Design
FA 112 2D Design
FA 115 Drawing I
FA 181 or FA 190
FA 281 or FA 290
ARH 211 Survey of Native American Art
ARH 213 Survey of World Art, Prehistoric to 1500
ARH 214 Survey of World Art, 1500 – Present
Upper Division Requirements 49
Junior Year Semester I
FA 315 Drawing III
FA 390 Painting III
FA 381 Photography III
ARH 313 Contemporary Issues in Art
DA 215 Web Design III
Program Credits:
Junior Year Semester II 49
FA 415 Advanced Drawing
FA 392 Experimental Painting Techniques
FA 382 Experimental Photographic Technique
ARH 413 Contemporary American Indian Masters
MKT 240 Marketing
Program Credits:
Senior Year Semester III
FA 445 Life Drawing
FA 490 Painting IV
FA 481 Photo IV
FA 491 Capstone
FA 495 Senior Project
Program Credits:
Senior Year Semester IV
FA 495 Senior Project (Repeat)
FA 496 Senior Portfolio Development
FA 497 Museum Exhibition
Program Credits:
Degree Earned Credits 40-42
Lower Division Program Requirements
Upper Division Requirements
Total Credits Earned:
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
Fine/Studio Arts, General 50.0702
Drawing 50.0705
Painting 50.0708
Photography 50.0605
Art History 50.0703


Veronica Chee
Administrative Assistant
(928) 724-6614

Mail to:
School of Humanities and English
P.O. Box C23
Tsaile, AZ 86556

A.A. Fine Arts

Fine Arts (A.A.)

The Fine Arts program offers a visual arts curriculum for students who want to transfer to a four-year program. The curriculum promotes personal development in the arts. It includes studio art courses in Ceramics, Drawing, Commercial Art, Graphics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture, as well as Art History and Art Education.   Interested students should consult the catalog of four-year institutions that offer Bachelor of Fine Arts programs and speak with Fine Arts advisors. Ceramics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture are available only at Tsaile.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
Fine Arts:
FA 106 Color Theory
FA 107 3D Design
FA 112 2D Design
FA 115 Drawing I
Choice of two courses of Art History:
ARH 211 Survey of Native American Art
ARH 213 Survey of World Art, Prehistoric to 1500
ARH 214 Survey of World Art, 1500 to Present
Choice of three courses of ARH or FA: 9
Six hours of Electives 6
Program Credits 33
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 33
Total Credits Earned: 73-76
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code
Code Title
50.0702 Fine/Studio Arts, General.



Geraldine Garrity, Ed. D.



Mail to: Provost
Diné College:
Box C09
Tsaile, AZ 86556

School of Arts, Humanities and English

About Fine Arts at Diné College

The Fine Arts program at Diné College offers a visual arts curriculum for students who expect to transfer to a four year program. The curriculum promotes personal development in the arts. It includes studio art courses in Ceramics, Drawing, Commercial Art, Graphics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture, as well as in Art History and Art Education. Interested students should consult the catalogs of four year institutions that offer Bachelor of Fine Arts programs and speak with Fine Arts advisors.

2021-2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts Handbook

The SAHE Post

A Monthly Newsletter from is a newsletter for the School of Arts, Humanities, & English at Diné College.


Dr. Karla Britton
Dean of School of Arts & Humanities, Professor
(928) 724-6958

Veronica Chee
Administrative Assistant
(928) 724-6614

Mail to:
School of Humanities and English
P.O. Box C23
Tsaile, AZ 86556