Diné College Student delivers a talk in Naples, Italy, at the Sensors Applications Symposium

Diné College Student delivers a talk in Naples, Italy, at the Sensors Applications Symposium

21st August 2024

Tsaile, AZ – Under the guidance of Dr. Oleksandr Makeyev, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the School of STEM, Diné College, Alana Benally, an Honors Scholar, has made significant strides in her academic journey. She is pursuing a BS in Biomedical Sciences and an MS in Biology, with expected graduation dates in December 2024 and May 2025, respectively. Benally's accomplishments extend beyond the classroom.

In late July, Benally traveled to Naples, Italy, to attend the prestigious IEEE Sensors Application Symposium. There, she delivered a talk on her first-author paper titled "Time and frequency domain synchrony of current and optimal Laplacian estimates via t-Lead electrodes on human electroencephalogram data." This research, originating from her thesis work in the Mathematics for Engineering Applications Laboratory (MEA Lab) at Diné College, showcases her dedication and expertise as a Research Assistant. "It allows quantifying how much the quality of the signal from a commercial electrode currently on the market can be improved by optimizing the software coefficients used to record it," stated Makeyev. "This work has been funded by the Small Grants for Research award 2212707 from the National Science Foundation Tribal Colleges and Universities Program and was performed in collaboration with a group from the Universitat Politècnica de València in Spain."

For more information on Diné College STEM program https://www.dinecollege.edu/.../school-of-science.../


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